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Treatment of Headaches & Migraines with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

Here at East-West Acupuncture Clinic, we have successfully treated many sufferers of Headaches and Migraines. Beyond the usual Bio-Medical Reasons, in this modern world we are living in our heads literally. Part of the Acupuncture/Herbal treatment is to bring the patients energy down out of the head and balance the energy of the body. Try focusing your energy on your feet, remember what it’s like to have your feet in the sand at the beach. I will often start needling at the feet & gradually move up the body. Head Q is an example of a Herbal Remedy that can be of help with Migraines it contains Feverfew, which is known to help prevent & treat migraines. To read more about the treatment of Headaches and Migraines click here






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