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Spring, Liver Time

It’s hard to believe but Spring is almost here! In Chinese Medicine Spring is associated with the Yang or active energy of life. Plants are sending shoots

out thru the ground.  Spring is associated with the Liver in Chinese Medicine.
Spring is when things turn green & the color
associated with the Liver is green. The Liver is also
associated with Anger and Frustration. Some Lifestyle tips would be to get out in Nature (Green) or do some gardening.  Diet wise, one should eat

lighter and eat less. Sweet & Pungent foods are expansive and are recommended this time of year. Chinese Medicine tends to frown on

Raw Foods but Spring is the best time of year to eat them, however use

moderation with these as they are cooling. The Liver can easily get stagnated

either physically (it’s a detox organ) or mentally (stagnant thoughts). So

it’s especially  good to avoid poor quality fats this time of year. It’s also

important to do some energy exercises like Qi Gong or Tai Chi.  Bitter

foods can be important for stuck people.  Bupleurum is a very important

herb for moving Qi and the formula Free & Easy Wander is a great formula

this time of year, however it’s always good to be seen by a practioner to

make sure it’s right for you. Here at East-West Acupuncture Clinic in Portland we are board certified in

Chinese Herbal Medicine and have a complete pharmacy available.




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