Natural Treatment of Spring Allergies
After a rainy start, we are starting to get some sunny days and with
those days lots of pollen! Here’s some natural solutions to seasonal
allergies. First try a nasal wash, start with a quarter teaspoon of
organic or kosher sea salt and a cup of warm (not hot) pure(not
tap) water, stir it up and either use a neti pot or a clean eye dropper
to irrigate each nostril separately. Let the water run down thru the nostril down the throat. Use organic wild honey, it aids immunity to
allergies. Go very sparingly on dairy products as they can be
mucous forming. Probiotics are helpful, so are vitamin C and
Zinc. Yes, an Acupuncture Treatment can boost your bodies
immune function and Chinese Herbs can work wonders.
A common formula is Bi Yan Pain which contains Magnolia Flower
which is drying and goes to the nose. It can be very useful when
we have symptoms like sneezing and runny nose.We also have formulas
that build up the immune system (Jade Wind Screen) while helping with
allergy symptoms. Here at East-West Acupuncture we take the time to
figure out which herbal remedy is right for you.