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- Testimonials
I was having a lot of pain in my left shoulder/arm. I located Steve through my medical insurance and he was able to accommodate me that same day. Steve made me feel so relaxed and comfortable. I wasn’t out of pain but felt a bit better after the first visit. I have continued to receive acupuncture treatments and am pleased to say after very few visits I am completely pain free. Thank you so much Steve!
Let me first say that I am not much for needles… That being said Steve made me feel very comfortable. He doesn’t just go to poking you, he communicates with you on what your issues and concerns are. After that he lays out your options; electro acupuncture (MY FAVORITE!!!), Cupping, or Traditional Acupunture.
Before I came to Steve I could barely walk, two days a week for the past 3 weeks and I am walking with considerably less pain…Don’t cheat
... Read more »I have had great experiences with this acupuncturist. The location was convenient for me. Parking is easy and available. Steve reviewed my medical history before I started my treatment, every time I came in. He also works very collaboratively, as he incorporated my input and knowledge about my own body into the treatments. He always puts his full attention on me, the client, and does all he can to give me the treatment with the best possible outcome. He is
... Read more »I couldn’t believe how much of a difference my appointment with them made. When I left I felt the best I ever have. This is one of those practices that doesn’t try to squeeze money out of you for every little question. I didn’t need to make an appointment to get my questions answered, I just called! It was such a relief to know that they are there when I need them. They would never suggest that I buy something
... Read more »“On a scale of 1-10 – poor to excellent – I feel that 10, excellent, is the number for my experience, as well as my course to recovery!” –Lewis A.
I have been going to East West Acupuncture for at least ten years and plan to go for many more. Originally I went to see Steve Snyder for treatment of chronic gynecological problems. He treated me with herbs and acupuncture that helped with symptoms almost immediately. After the original symptoms subsided, I continued to get acupuncture at least once a month to prevent recurrence. I continue with acupuncture and occasionally customized herb treatment to this day, to stay healthy and to
... Read more »I was terrified to try out acupuncture, but now I can say I’ve made it through and I’m definitely going back. The staff at East-West Acupuncture Clinic calmed me down immediately and a pain I’ve had in my shoulder for years (worked on my multiple massage therapists) was immediately knocked out by the treatment. If you’re scared, try it out. If you’re not, what are you waiting for?!
Beth K
Excellent treatment, excellent staff. Enjoyed the whole experience. Accupuncture treatment improved my breathing immediately and it kept improving in the days following. I love to hear what observations the acupuncturist has for the patient. The space is beautiful – Asian, serene….
Naomi K
I quit smoking with Acupuncture. The Acupuncture kept me calm so I was able to quit. It took the edge off. Smoker will understand what I am saying. Thank you Dr. Steve. 8 months and counting. Anytime I start feeling like I want to smoke I know I can go in. Would highly recommened….. Vi
“I suffered from chronic pain due to endometriosis for years before trying acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I suffered through various medical treatments including 2 surgeries, with no relief (I say ‘suffered’ since it seemed sometimes that the effects of treatment were almost as bad as the medical condition itself!). I had reached a stage where I was in constant pain and the condition was seriously affecting pretty much every aspect of my life. I was fairly skeptical of alternative medicine
... Read more » Links
5 Powerful Health Effects Of Olive Oil
Ways To Ring In The Chinese New Year
Part of celebrating the Chinese New Year (February 19) involves cleaning. Traditionally, homes are cleaned before the New Year, but sweeping and dusting isn’t done until the third day after New Year out of fear that good fortune will be swept away. The floors can be swept, starting by brushing the dust and dirt towards the middle of the house or building. Once the debris is piled into the center, it’s moved to the corners where it remains until the fifth day, at which point it can be thrown out. continue reading
Juicing vs Blending: The Great Health Debate
Adults who need 2,000 daily calories to maintain a healthy weight should eat 2 cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables per day (a total of nine servings). According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, only 14% of adults consume the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables (source). That’s a shockingly low number that should serve as a wake-up call to people everywhere.
If you struggle to achieve to consume the recommended amount of vegetables and fruit, you should consider investing in a blender or juicer. Juicing and blending are both excellent ways to include more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Now for the million dollar question: which method is better for your health. continue reading
5 Tips To Help Kick Your Sugar Addiction
Are you addicted to sugar? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average American consumes a whopping 89 teaspoons of sugar per day – about 3-4 times more than the recommended daily allowance.
Sugar adversely affects the body in a number of different ways. It increases a person’s chance of developing diabetes, promotes tooth decay, contributes to fat accumulation and subsequently obesity, and weakens the immune system. continue reading
Can Acupuncture Help Treat Depression?
Depression is a serious medical illness that can lower a person’s quality of life while contributing to the onset of symptoms such as headache, insomnia, fatigue, and malnutrition. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. say they are depressed. Depression a growing problem that’s often masked with prescription drugs, forcing some to look for alternative forms of treatment.
Most cases of depression are treated with prescription drugs that trigger a range of problems of their own. Fluoxetine, ertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, and escitalopram are just a handful of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants, all of which have a long list of adverse side effects. However, researchers are now saying that acupuncture may effectively treat depression in some individuals. continue reading
3 Ways To Improve Your Posture
Do you suffer from poor posture? Whether you’re sitting down at a desk, standing, walking or running, you should focus on maintaining your body’s natural position. This means keeping your head and neck up while avoiding slouching or slumping. The good news is that you can reverse the effects of poor posture by following some simple steps.
Some of the physiological problems linked to poor posture include: continue reading
7 Superfoods That Can Change Your Life
You are what you eat is an adage that holds more truth than you may realize. Unfortunately, many people today focus their diet around processed foods that are high in sugar, sodium and fat. Diets such as this can increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more. You can protect your body and health against such illnesses, however, by eating lean meats, fresh vegetables, and by adding the following “superfoods” to your diet.
#1) Broccoli
This edible stalky plant of the cabbage family is loaded in potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C magnesium, and calcium. Scientists believes broccoli’s phytochemicals – organic chemical compounds which occur naturally – are able to aid in skin health, regulate blood sugar levels, strengthen the immune system, and ward off joint inflammation. continue reading
7 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture and Pregnancy
Acupuncture involves the placement of thin sterilized needles to stimulate various acupoints throughout the body. The stimulation of these areas is believed to correct imbalances and blockages in the body by promoting the healthy flow of energy (known as qi – pronounced CHEE).
The thought of having half a dozen or more tiny needles sticking into your skin when you’re pregnant, might sound frightening. However, it’s actually a safe, painless, straightforward procedure that can treat a number of adverse symptoms associated with pregnancy. continue reading
3 Tips to Easily Alleviate Your Stress Immediately
Stress from day-to-day life can have an extremely negative impact on our health, emotionally, mentally, and physically as well. Long-term or extreme stress can result in frequent or chronic headaches, muscle aches, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, depression, etc. All of these problems only present even more problems to our health and overall well-being. How can we prevent stress from our everyday lives from becoming a much larger problem in our lives?
In the interest of being helpful, I have compiled my favorite 3 tips to easily alleviate your stress, hopefully to the benefit of many individuals suffering from stress-related ailments in their lives. continue reading
Lose weight this summer with acupuncture
One of the vexing aspects of the approach of summer is how you can obtain your “swimsuit body.” While the winter months, especially around the holidays, are a time for putting on some weight, the summer months are reserved for strenuous activity, especially on the beach. continue reading